Mirembe Vanessa holds Bachelor’s degree in Finance. She worked as Project Finance Manager for Rwanda Reserve Force Integrated development project (IDP)…
Dr Ben Karenzi is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer for Reinsurance Brokerage Solutions (R) Ltd (RBS), the first reinsurance broking services provider…
Currently, Jeanne Izabiliza Chief Executive Officer of Heart of Africa Trading Company Ltd, focusing on international trade and international logistics…
Liliane Mugirishyaka is an experienced Data Analyst with 8 years in a commercial organization. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Statistics from…
Emmanuel Butare is a Partner one of the founding Partners of MRB Attorneys. He holds an LLB (Hons) from the National University of Rwanda, LLM from Ottawa…
This shall be done by taking note of the client’s areas of interest that are legally required to be captured in a document intended to create a legally…